Friday, July 12, 2013

Prayer items

Dear brothers and sisters,

Please pray for us! Here are the specifics:

- Preparing of this mission trip, especially the workshop and sharing material, STM members's mind and heart
- Safety and smoothly in the travel
- Unity among STM members and local church for serving Lord
- Daily living in the families of the STM members
- Smoothly Schedule in the trip
- The heart of Costa Rica people who we will meet or sharing
- The weather will not affect any meeting or visiting
- Spiritual growth of each STM member
- More people pray for the mission trip
- The Lord can use us to share the Gospel and bring people to Christ.
- The Lord can use us to encourage local brothers and sisters.

- 短宣所有的準備,尤其是主題研討會和分享材料,STM成員的思維和心靈
- 在行程上的安全和順利
- 各STM成員與當地教會之間的團結和互助
- STM成員的家庭的日常生活
- 在哥斯達黎加的時間表順利地和有效地運用
- 我們會遇到或被分享的哥斯達黎加人的心靈準備
- 天氣將不會影響任何會議或探訪
- 每個STM成員的靈命成長
- 更多人為短宣祈禱
- 讓主使用我們去與人分享福音及帶人歸主。
- 讓主使用我們鼓勵當地的弟兄姊妹。

In Christ,
Costa Rica STM team

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