Sunday, August 4, 2013

Day9 - Iglesia Christiana China’s 29th anniversary

Today we came to ICC early as we celebrated ICC’s 29th anniversary. There were presentations by children, youth and adults. Each attendee was very involved in the worship. When we sang together, I could feel that the atmosphere was full of thanksgiving.  We also praised the Lord that some of those who we visited earlier came to church and celebrated together. May the Lord continue to build them so that they can grow spiritually. After worship, we said goodbye to many brothers and sisters. Their warm welcome and greeting to us really impressed me. Although it is only 9 days and we only met them couple times, I can feel the closeness to them. It is like I have known them for a long time.

After lunch, we came back to church to join the youth group. Johnny was originally planned to share a topic on being a leader. However, the group would want to learn more about dating and marriage. Johnny had to prepare another sharing in a short time. Despite the short time, we praised the Lord that he was able to reuse some materials in the past. He presented very well.

Tonight we will have dinner in another restaurant. After 9 days of Costa Rica, our trip is about to end. We will pack tonight and fly back to Austin tomorrow.

Prayer Items
  • Other than Roland who will stay a little longer to meet his friend, we will head back to Austin tomorrow. Please pray for our safety.
  • Please pray that we can be healthy on the way back to Austin.


  1. Have a safe trip back to Austin. We missed all of you. Leo came back from China and joined our small group and Sunday Service today. Peter gave a wonderful Sermon today.

  2. have a safe trip back to Austin.

  3. Thanks for Martin to update the blog and share our latest information to brothers and sisters in ACC. Thanks for the prayer of brothers and sisters which is very important to us! Thank God to provide this opportunity and use us in His Kingdom.
